
Polyvagal Theory meets the Somatic Consent Engagement Sysytem.

I have been studying the Polyvagal Theory by Dr Stephen Porges since 2013. With the following idea in mind from Albert Einstein – if you can’t explain it simply you have not understood enough – I created this short animation for you.

This video is a brief explanation of the Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication, Co and Self-regulation and the link to the Somatic Consent Engagement System.

I shared this video with Dr Porges and ask for his input to see if this is a clear representation of the Polyvagal Theory and am grateful for the response I received from him — “a beautiful presentation.

Thank you Dr Porges for your respond and the work you share with the world.



Further reading


The difference between trauma release and re-traumatisation  “What is armor after all but a cage that moves with you? – Rebecca Solnit De-armouring transforms the contraction and holding patterns we

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Understanding the Nervous System

For everybody who like to figure out more about the function of our nervoussystem without reading for years. One minute of video replaces 1,2 mil words. 1 minute of somatic

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Engagement System in English

Request the English Engagement System PDF and Newsletter signup Stay up to date with the latest news and upcoming events and webinars. You can change your mind and unsubscribe at

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