Mauro Zappaterra, Director of Regenerative Medicine and Clinical Research Certain traditions believe there is a ‘step-down’ process or condensation that occurs from the Source to our physical self.

As this energy condenses it becomes more differentiated and visible to the human eye as physical form. As this condensation occurs, certain traditions believe that the initial ‘step’ into the body occurs at the third eye or the brow center.

At this same location is the third ventricle, a space in the middle of the brain filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Amazingly, this same fluid space, bordered by the pituitary gland in front and the pineal gland in back, has been referred to as the ‘Crystal Palace’ and the ‘Cave of Brahma.’ The CSF is home to many neurotransmitters and signaling molecules providing an elaborate range of biological functions. The CSF utilizes volume transmission and its information can potentially be quickly dispersed and simultaneously target key brain regulatory centers due to its fluid nature. Interestingly, at the back of the third ventricle, in the middle of the brain, the CSF condenses and aggregates into a thread-like structure known as Reissner’s fiber that extends the entire length of the central canal of the spinal cord. The precise role of this fiber is unknown.

Could it have a role in conveying vibratory signals from the fluid itself? In addition, the CSF contains the ‘spirit molecule’ DMT that is released by the pineal gland. Nisargadatta Maharaj said, “fluids come together and the ‘I Am’ appears.” The CSF may therefore serve as a vehicle for immediate signaling to major control centers of the brain and may be significant in regulating consciousness and the sense of ‘I Am’. Let us explore our fluid nature, our fluid body, visit the ‘Cave of Brahma’ and go with the flow.

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